Urban Permaculture Guild
About us Mission Project Exchange Membership PC Activism Calendar & Lists

Join the Permaculture Groups on Wiser Earth

Support Urban Sustainability Projects and People
Pay for Workshops and Donate to Scholarship Fund Here


The Urban Permaculture Guild is a project of the 501c3 non-profit organization Architects, Designers, Planners for Social Responsibility (ADPSR) an organization that serves the Urban Permaculture and Sustainable Design Community as well as the general public. We provide information, networking and news as well as sponsor and organize workshops on sustainability-related subjects and projects.

The Guild has started a scholarship fund to send several low-income, active-in-their-community, folks to recieve subsidized permaculture education.

If you support transformational education, positive social change, organic agriculture, honoring diversity, social and economic justice then please donate. Know that your donation keeps on giving as all our studetns are empowed and encouraged to use what they learn to empower a new generation of cultural workers, designers, teachers and activists by passing on and teaching what they know and learn. Any surplus money raised will go into the scholarship fund for future students to apply for and to cover UPG admin costs and seed the development of the OpenPermaculture Network.

Please make a donation of whatever amount you choose to the Urban Permaculture Guild. If 250 of you gave just $30 dollars we would have enough to send all the deserving folks to these transformational courses! Please give what you can and remember that being generous is good for your karma! If you'd like to make a large donation please contact me for information on tax deductions via non-profit fiscal agency. The Urban Permaculture Guild is a project of the 501c3 Non-Profit Organization Architects, designers, Planners for Social Responsibility (ADPSR).

Urban Permaculture Guild c/o
Katherine Steele
6421 Hillegass Ave
Oakland CA 94618
510 547 7889

Make checks to
Please write Urban Permaculture Guild Scholarship Fund in the memo of the check or
click here to use a credit card.

Please choose ADPSR Northern California Chapter - indicate Urban Permaculture Guild!



YOU CAN ALSO PAY HERE TO REGISTER FOR CLASSES ! Please indicate if your payment is a scholarship donation or deposit or payment towards an Urban Permaculture Class or Workshop!

Thank you so much for being a part of the larger community that works for social change and supporting us in all the ways you do.

~Kat Steele



"We're only truly secure when we can look out our kitchen window and see our food growing and our friends working nearby."

-Bill Mollison, co-founder of Permaculture


Contact | Photo Credits | 2003-2007 Urban Permaculture Guild
a project of ADPSR (Architects/Designers/Planners for Social Repsonsibility)